15 1 月 非政府組織(NGO)參與二氧化碳減量推動計畫
摘要 地球暖化的成因與後果已漸有國際共識,因應氣候變遷的重要性與急迫性亦為世界性的體認,並成為各國環境政策之重點項目。我國政府與民間組織對於地球暖化相關推廣活動向來不遺餘力,惟由於我國非聯合國的會員國,在聯合國的架構下很少有正式參與的管道,不但無法展現我國關於全球暖化的成果,更可能因此失去許多交流機會。但是透過非政府組織間的管道,還是可以實現讓台灣參與全球環境外交的可能性,也能協助我國政府經由非官方之交流管道實質參與國際活動。而透過非政府組織從下而上的努力,更可能帶動全民參與推廣CO2減量,激發社會對地球暖化的關心,強化我國在CO2減量上的努力。 本計畫共有四項主要工作:(一)促進NGO團體實質參與國際CO2減量活動及對話,於2007年10月19日至21日辦理「2007氣候變遷國NGO論壇」暨兩場次圓桌會議,邀請國際知名非政府組織來台進行經驗分享;(二)蒐集國內外NGO團體於CO2減量推動資訊,介紹數個國內外NGO,並進行長期追蹤;(三)規劃我國NGO協助全民參與CO2減量之具體作法,提出多項行動方案,並分析可行性;(四)、協助參與國際因應地球暖化相關推廣活動,於2008年3月份派員赴加州參訪地方政府與山巒俱樂部之減碳策略與行動。 英文摘要 The world have formed gradually the consensus on the causes and consequences of global warming, recognized the importance and emergency to cope with the issue. “Climate Change” then becomes the key theme of environmental policy. Although Taiwan’s government and civil society are active promoting actions on anti-global warming, our efforts can not be shown at the international level. This is because Taiwan is not a member of United Nations, and that makes Taiwan hardly have official participating channels and the opportunities to interact with other stakeholders under UN’s Framework. Though the relationships between non-governmental organizations, Taiwan still have possibilities to participate in the global environmental diplomacy, and NGOs assist the government to be involved in international occasions. The NGOs’ efforts from the bottom to the top also can promote the public to participate in the carbon dioxide emission reduction activities, arouse the attention on the global warming, and strengthen Taiwan’s efforts on these issues. This project has four main tasks: (a)...