15 1 月 推動優質公廁管理計畫
中文計畫名稱:推動優質公廁管理計畫 英文計畫名稱:Project management to promote high quality public toilets 計畫編號:EPA-107-EA02-03-A092 執行單位:財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 計畫主持人(包括共同主持人):蘇金鳳,江世民,龔威誠 執行開始時間:107/4/12 執行結束時間:107/12/31 中文摘要關鍵詞:環境衛生,衛生紙丟馬桶,優質公廁 英文摘要關鍵詞:Environmental Sanitation, Flushing Used Toilet Paper, Excellent Quality of Public Toilet 中文摘要 行政院環保署於106年3月起開始宣導如廁衛生紙丟馬桶政策,本計畫為配合政策宣導,編製優質如廁文化之影片及教案,推廣優質公廁及如廁禮儀,協助環保署向學校教師、公家機關、公司行號、民眾等教學推廣;協助督導公廁環境衛生品質,辦理公廁環境衛生訪查,成立公廁訪查大使團,協助環保署訪查公廁管理單位是否落實清潔維護工作,並針對無法配合衛生紙丟馬桶之單位進行輔導;除推廣宣導、訪查管理外,也協助環保署辦理公廁特優場所認證及表揚活動,以及協助辦理優質公廁企業認養說明會,並召開諮詢會議,透過專家學者建議研擬相關執行策略及推動作法,精進計畫推動成效。 英文摘要: The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has promoted the Flushing Used Toilet Paper Policy since June 2017. To meet the policy goals, environmental educational videos, high-quality toilet culture lesson designs were included in the project, to publicize the concept to the public institution, company and the public. In order to supervise the sanitation of public toilets, this project also organized an inspection team visiting public toilets and management units to implement clean and maintenance work, and also counseled for the units which were unable to flush used toilet paper as well. At the same time, this project assisted the EPA to carry out certification for outstanding public toilets and conduct an award ceremony. This project also organized illustration meetings for “Public Toilets Enterprise Adoption Plan”. Consultative meetings were held in this project to enhance the promotion with opinions from professionals and academics....