

英文計畫名稱:Project to Improve Environmental Education relating to Cherish Food







英文摘要關鍵詞:Food Waste、Cherish Food、Environmental Education




  • 完成蒐集、調查及分析國內外惜食行動成功案例,包括蒐集香港、日本、美國、歐盟、法國及義大利減少食物浪費相關政策與法令、國內外民間組織所舉辦惜食相關活動等;並進行民眾惜食行為之問卷調查,依前述資料蒐集結果,研訂環保署短、中、長期惜食環境教育推動策略及指標,以提供環保署未來相關政策推動之參考。
  • 針對擬訂惜食查核、分級評分制度,召開2場次專家諮詢會議,依據專家建議完成餐廳及團膳惜食店鋪之惜食行動自評表,以及完成惜食大使培育課程之擬訂。另外召開2場次專家諮詢會議,以擬定政策目標、策略及相關規範,根據100年至106年廚餘回收量規劃未來廚餘減量目標,並針對不同通路、族群擬定短、中、長期之惜食文化推廣策略。邀請團膳、餐廳業者參與惜食店鋪,以源頭減量的方式來降低食物浪費的產生。
  • 建置「惜食臺灣」網站平臺,內容包含惜食國內外案例介紹、惜食政策推動說明、惜食店鋪業者名單、最新活動消息、惜食活動成果及相關連結等資訊;並額外建置「惜食臺灣」臉書粉絲專頁,增加與民眾的互動及曝光度,粉絲專頁也會不時更新活動消息與惜食相關文章、報導供民眾參考。
  • 辦理「惜食百分百」記者會,為本年度惜食環境教育推廣活動揭開序幕。並規劃辦理一系列北部、中部、南部及東部惜食環境教育推廣活動,包含辦理8場次惜食文化環境教育巡迴講座,課程融入對格外品的認識、全食料理法教學、食物里程、吃在地、營養學、廚餘處理等多方面,希望透過推廣惜食文化以減少後端的食物廢棄物產生;舉辦2場次惜食大使養成訓練課程,透過餐廳、團膳廚餘分類查核的方式,讓參加者瞭解餐飲業者該如何做到廚餘減量,以培育推廣惜食環境教育之人才;辦理1場次惜食典範表揚典禮,透過表揚惜食店鋪,鼓勵業者實踐惜食的理念,並邀請更多業者和民眾加入惜食行列。



The main purpose of this project is to assist Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPAT) in promoting “The Education of Cherish food”. The project includes: (1) Reviewing the domestic and international cases of cherish food, the use of domestic food resources and waste, and assisting EPAT in formulating short-term, mid-term and long-term strategy on reducing the food loss in Taiwan (2) Integrate experts from industrial, official, and university, and formulate regulations related to cherish food; (3) Establish a platform to share the concept of cherish food with public; (4) Holding educational activities and commendation ceremony for Cherish food. The project includes:

  • Completing the collection, investigation and analysis of the successful domestic and international cherish food actions, including policies and laws related to reducing food waste initiated by governments from Hong Kong, Japan, the United States, the European Union, France and Italy, also the related activities organized by domestic and foreign civil organizations. In order to have more knowledge of people’s behaviors and concepts of cherish food, we conducted a questionnaire survey, and collect the results of the above-mentioned data to develop the short-term, mid-term and long-term strategy on reducing the food loss in Taiwan.
  • In response to the formulation of the cherish food self-inspection and scoring roles, two expert consultation meetings were held. The self-evaluation forms and the organization of training courses of cherish food were completed according to the experts’ suggestions. In addition, two expert consultation meetings were held to formulate policy objectives, strategies and related regulations, and to set up the goals of food waste reduction based on the volume of 2011-2017 Taiwan’ s leftovers, to formulate short-term, mid-term and long-term pathways of cherish food education promotion to different ethnic groups. Operators of restaurants and catering services are invited to join the project and reduce the food wastes.
  • Establishing “Cherish Food Taiwan” website, which includes information on domestic and international studies, policies, list of operators who join the cherish food program, latest event news, related links. In order to increase interaction and exposure with the public, we also build a Facebook fan page “Cherish Food Taiwan “, which draw a lot attention with the users of Facebook. The fan page keeps updated the event news so the users can get the latest information of the food waste.
  • We held “100% Cherish Food” press conference to kick off the promotion activities of “cherish food environmental education” for the year, included a series of lectures activities for cherish food environment education, which were held in the north, central, south and east of Taiwan. The lectures incorporated the understanding of ugly produce, whole food cooking methods, food miles, nutrition, food waste treatment, to reduce the production of food waste by promoting the concept of cherish food from different aspect. We also organized two training courses for people who wanted to have further understandings on restaurant and catering leftovers’ management. Last but not least, a appreciation ceremony was hold to encourage the operators on putting the concept of cherishing food into practice initiatively, and invite more operators and people to join the ranks of cherish food.