




計畫期程:105 年 04 月 07 日起至 106 年 06 月 30 日止


摘 要

依據世界銀行報告指出,目前全球合計有 39 個國家及有 23 個地方政府實施碳定價 機制(carbon pricing mechanism);全球合計約有 70 億噸 CO2 (約占 12%) 納入碳價機制, 而於 2015 年底氣候公約會議所通過的巴黎協定中,亦包括建立新的機制及國際減量轉 讓合作的內涵,亦即透過市場機制抑制溫室氣體排放,已經是國際趨勢。我國溫室氣體 減量及管理法 (簡稱溫管法)也於 2015 年 7 月 1 日正式生效,讓我國實行「總量管制與 交易制度」有了法源基礎。有鑑於我國相關政策、制度及法規正積極規劃中,爰此,透 過本計畫之執行,使我國與其他國家進行雙邊或多邊之國際交流,與國際接軌汲取相關 經驗,以強化我國「總量管制與交易制度」之能力建置,強化後續實施市場機制之基礎。

本計畫已完成之工作如下:(1)研析溫室氣體減量與碳權管理之國際發展趨勢,建立 國際合作推動策略,包括:除掌握先前京都議定書下,國際溫室氣體減量機制與碳權管 理相關模式外,就其發展、推動現況與合作立場,完成研提我國溫室氣體管理之雙邊或 多邊之國際合作策略,並持續追蹤巴黎協定後之發展趨勢;研提我國境外碳權管理之相 關策略及配套措施、規劃完成六個相關國際組織或機構之交流管道,並提出短中長期合 作規劃與合作優先序之合作規劃報告,並與協助研擬出與德國建立實質合作文件之草案, 以促進臺德雙方共同推動溫室氣體減量與建立碳權管理機制之合作。(2)於 105 年 7 月 13 日完成辦理「臺德雙邊會談」、105 年 7 月 14 日協助辦理「2016 氣候變遷國際研討會」、 並於 105 年 12 月 13 日至 14 日完成辦理「國際溫室氣體減量制度工作坊」,最後於 106年 5 月 16 日至 26 日派員 4 名,協助環保署率團參與德國碳交易研習課程。(3)蒐集(澳 洲、德國、關島、新加坡、瑞典以及日本)等 6 個國家之非政府組織之成立方式、運作 模式及長期營運方式,並研析我國實質參與國際減量機制與碳權管理之空間與條件、建 立與(泰國、越南、韓國、日本與菲律賓)等 5 個重要指標國家、推動或研究國際減量機 制與碳權管理之組織機構之交流溝通管道。(4)於 105 年 10 月派員赴韓國松島參與「綠 色氣候基金之第十四屆理事會議」、106 年 5 月 24 日至 28 日派員赴日本京都地區進行交 流訪問、106 年 5 月 18 日至 27 日派員前往西班牙巴塞隆納參與「氣候創新–金融與市 場週」並拜訪國際碳交易組織(International Emissions Trading Association, IETA)、及加泰 隆尼亞環境部。


英 文 摘 要

As of 2015, 39 national and 23 subnational jurisdictions have already put prices on carbon through taxing and emission trading mechanisms. Together, these carbon pricing instruments cover some 7 GtCO2e, equivalent to about 12 percent of the annual global GHG emissions. In Taiwan, the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act has entered into force since July 1st 2015, and the “ Cap and Trade” scheme is expected to be implemented in the near future. Since the Carbon Trading Platform is the core mechanism of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), the goal of this project is to establish a Carbon Trading Platform as well as its related systems as a foundation of the future Cap and Trade scheme.

The project has completed the tasks as follows:

(1)analysis of trend in international GHG reduction and carbon management, and establishment of international cooperation strategies, inter alia a) proposing bilateral and multilateral international collaboration strategies for Taiwan’s GHG management; proposing Taiwan’s policy measures for overseas credit management; establishing interaction mechanism among 7 international organizations along with stage-based collaboration; assisting in the drafting of MOU between Taiwan and Germany.

(2)held “Taiwan-Germany ETS Capacity Building” conference on July 13th 2016, “2016 Regional Carbon Market Capacity Building Workshop: Business Roundtable Dialogue” on July 14th 2016, “Asia Dialogue on Carbon Trading & Measures for carbon emission reduction” on December 13th to 14th 2016; also, dispatched 4 representatives to attend the “Emission Trading Scheme: Capacity Building training course in Berlin” from May 16th to 26th, 2017.

(3)analysis of the mechanism of establishing and managing NGO in 6 countries namely Australia, Germany, Guam, Singapore, Sweden, and Japan; analysis of the opportunities and feasibility of Taiwan forming regional collaborations with 5 key countries namely Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, and the Philippines.

(4)dispatched team to attend GCF meeting in Korea on October 2016; dispatched team to Kyoto region, Japan for visiting from May 24th, 2017 to May 28th, 2017; and dispatched team to Barcelona, Spain to attend “Innovate4Climate–Finance & Markets Week” and visited IETA and Catalonian Environment Agency.