
計畫主持人:楊志盛 副研究員
協同主持人:林進榮 教授
摘 要
本研究採用簡易的水熱碳化法,接續活化處理將原本含氮量高的廢電冰箱隔熱泡棉直接轉化為含氮活性碳,用以吸附除污技術和電容去離子技術,升級回收廢電冰箱隔熱泡棉為高值化碳材料,使其有廣泛的應用層面。本研究中,我們採用沉澱分離法有效提升廢電冰箱隔熱泡棉細粉的純度;熱重分析指出泡棉細粉沒有灰分。水熱法轉化泡棉細粉為含氮活性碳已經探討重要製備變因:(1)水熱法溫度、(2)水熱法時間、(3)氧化劑添加量、(4)活化劑種類與添加量,並且對比製得材料的染料-亞甲基藍吸附容量以及電容去離子效能。製得材料以場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(FESEM)、熱重/熱流分析儀(TGA/DSC)、元素分析(EA)、X-射線光電子能譜儀(XPS)以及氮氣等溫吸脫附實驗分析其特性與成分。研究成果指出水熱碳化法可使廢電冰箱隔熱泡棉轉製活性碳的產率,高於慣用熱裂解法1-2倍。製得含氮活性碳的比表面積可達1000 m2/g以上,含氮量約6%。光譜分析能測得C=N拉伸與N-H拉伸振動的鍵結,且表面氮以吡咯N (Pyrrolic N )和吡啶N (pyridinic N)為主要成份。染料廢水等溫吸附實驗指出商業活性碳的飽和吸附量為322 mg/g,本研究製得含氮活性碳最高吸附量為769 mg/g。在電化學分析,本研究製得含氮活性碳電極之電容值高、定電流充放電時間長、電極內阻抗值低。電容去離子試驗中,本研究製得含氮活性碳電極在鹽類吸附容量、平均脫鹽速率、能源消耗、吸附每單位鹽能耗以及充電效率等指標均優於商業活性碳。實驗室規模的成本分析指出靜態投資回收期低於2年,設備費與電容級活性碳的售價是主要影響因素。
In this project, we used hydrothermal method instead of traditional pyrolysis to transform rigid PU waste into N-doped activated carbon for capacitor and adsorption. We have investigated several factors to increase the adsorption capacity and to decrease the cost of chemicals and electrical power. Our experimental results indicated that the obtained activated carbon has 6% of nitrogen element and > 1000 m2/g of specific surface area with 20%-30% production yield. In the isothermal sorption experiment, the adsorption capacity was 769 mg/g significant larger than that of commercial activated carbon. Regarding with the electrochemical analysis, its capacitance outperformed evaluated by cyclic voltammetry. Compared to the commercial activated carbon for supercapacitor, our N-doped activated carbon showed superior SAC、MDR、energy input、ENAS and in a single-pass CDI reactor. The payback period is lower than 2 years. This work not only reduces solid waste but also generates new resource.