










一、 應回收廢棄物責任業者管理辦法

二、 應回收廢棄物回收貯存清除處理方法及設施標準

三、 應回收廢棄物稽核認證作業辦法

四、 應回收廢棄物回收處理業管理辦法

五、 應回收廢棄物回收清除處理補貼申請審核管理辦法



本計畫亦提出應回收廢棄物回收管制之建議,尤以應順應世界潮流落實製造者延伸責任(Extended Producer Responsibility)為佳,如此才可降低廢棄物處理之社會成本並促進業者採行綠色設計及清潔生產等。我國廢棄物清理法雖有製造者責任之規定,但乃以繳交費用以替代實質回收清除處理之責任,實為扭曲製造者責任之原意,本計畫建議應修正廢棄物清理法或以自願性協定之協調模式落實此一進步之綠色政策。



The “Waste Disposal Law” has been modified many times recently. The newest version was revised on 2001/10/24. The former version’s Article 10-1 has been extended to the Article 16 through Article 23, which are related to the “Compulsory Universal Wastes”. These Articles mainly authorize 5 statutes for the “Compulsory Universal Wastes”. The names of the 5 statutes are:


1. The Management Statute of Extended Producer Responsibility for the Compulsory Universal Wastes

2. The Methods and Equipment Standards of Collection, Storage, Cleaning and Treatment for the Compulsory Universal Wastes

3. The Operation Statute of Audit and Certification for the Compulsory Universal Wastes

4. The Management Statute of Collection and Treatment Business for the Compulsory Universal Wastes

5. The Subsidy Application and Verification Management Statute for the Compulsory Universal Wastes


The reasons for setting new statutes are to get several unauthorized regulations together, and to give the new authorities by the new version of the “Waste Disposal Law”. The processes for handling and writing the content of these statutes included several discussions and meetings with the officials of the waste disposal department and about 7 public inquiry meetings. Also, we consulted the attorney for better wording.


Through the new legislation works, the system and management structure for the Compulsory Universal Wastes is almost same as what is doing right now. It means, at the pre-consumer end, the producers should pay the disposal fee to the Recycling Foundation that could offset their responsibility of collection, cleaning and treatment of compulsory universal wastes. At the post-consumer end, the Recycling Foundation pay money to the collection and treatment business for their works about the collection, cleaning and treatment of compulsory universal wastes. However, there still a difference comparing with the past. The collection and treatment business should register to the local government by the new regulations of the “Waste Disposal Law”. The collection and treatment business also should pass the examinations about their equipment before applying the process of the audit, certification and finally get the subsidy from the Recycling Foundation.


Finally, this project suggested that the management of the universal wastes in Taiwan should follow the trend of the world that to promote the green policy of the “Extended Producer Responsibility: EPR”. It is supposed to be the better strategy to reduce the social cost for the waste disposal and treatment, and also induce the producers to adopt the green designs and the clean production procedures. It needs further revisions about the “Waste Disposal Law” or to make the “Voluntary Agreement” between government and producers for implementing the EPR. It is such a wonderful goal that is highly expected by many people, but there still are a lot of barriers to be resolved in Taiwan.










一、 應回收廢棄物責任業者管理辦法

二、 應回收廢棄物回收貯存清除處理方法及設施標準

三、 應回收廢棄物稽核認證作業辦法

四、 應回收廢棄物回收處理業管理辦法

五、 應回收廢棄物回收清除處理補貼申請審核管理辦法

並建議廢棄物管理之觀念與相關管制架構,製造者延伸責任(Extended Producer Responsibility: EPR)應積極落實始降低廢棄物處理之社會成本並誘導業者採取綠色設計與清潔生產。另建議廢棄物管理應建立不同等級之許可(Permit)制度,其等級如下:




