

計畫英文名稱:The Strategic Analysis and Launching of Carbon Credit Trading and Registration Management Project








英文摘要關鍵字:Carbon Trading Platform; Carbon Credit; Greenhouse Gas(GHG) Reduction


全球合計有39個國家及有23個次國家實施碳價機制(carbon pricing mechanism);全球合計約有70億噸CO2 (約占12%) 納入碳價機制。溫室氣體減量及管理法 (簡稱溫管法)已於2015年7月1日正式生效,並可望於近期內,開始實施「總量與交易制度」。由於碳交易平台是落實碳交易制度成本有效性的核心機制,爰此,本計畫主要目的在於建立碳交易平台及相關配套制度設計,作為我國未來實施「總量與交易制度」的基礎。



As of 2015, 39 national and 23 subnational jurisdictions have already put prices on carbon through taxing and emission trading mechanisms. Together, these carbon pricing instruments cover some 7 GtCO2e, equivalent to about 12 percent of the annual global GHG emissions. In Taiwan, the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act has entered into force since July 1st 2015, and the “ Cap and Trade” scheme is expected to be implemented in the near future. Since the Carbon Trading Platform is the core mechanism of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), the goal of this project is to establish a Carbon Trading Platform as well as its related systems as a foundation of the future Cap and Trade scheme.

The project has completed the tasks as follows: (1) the establishment of successive linkage between the trading platform and the registration platform; (2) the assessment of the plan to launch bilateral carbon credit mechanisms with other countries; (3) the design of the modality and procedure of carbon auction; (4) the development of “Greenhouse Gas Trading Accounting Guidance”; (5) the design of a feasible mechanism for international carbon credits to transfer back to Taiwan; (6) the holding of five expert consultation meetings and a conference for carbon trading platform; (7) the completion of English webpages for Carbon Trading Platform; (8) the visit to South Korea for consulting the Korean ETS and the participation in COP21.