






摘 要

全球合計有39個國家及有23個次國家實施碳價機制(carbon pricing mechanism);全球合計約有70億噸CO2 (約占12%) 納入碳價機制。溫室氣體減量及管理法 (簡稱溫管法)已於2015年7月1日正式生效,讓我國實行「總量管制與交易制度」有了法源基礎。由於碳市場的啟動是落實碳交易制度成本有效性的核心機制,爰此,本計畫主要目的在於建立啟動碳交易市場及相關配套制度設計,作為我國未來實施「總量與交易制度」的基礎。


39 national and 23 subnational jurisdictions have put a price on carbon through ETSs and taxes. These carbon pricing instruments account for some 7 GtCO2e, about 12 percent of the annual global GHG emissions. With The Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act having come into force since July 1 2015, “Cap and Trade” system is expected to be implemented in the near future in Taiwan. Since the launch of the market is a core mechanism of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) for achieving cost effectiveness, the main purpose of this research is to design a set of policy tools to initiate the launch of carbon market and its supporting measures.

The accomplished tasks in this study include:

(1) Developing credit managing mechanism prior to the work of launching carbon market, including: researching mechanisms of international credit registries, proposing Regulations for GHG Emissions Registry and Account Management (Draft), analyzing designs of international emission trading schemes, proposing Regulations for GHG Emissions Trading Management Methods (Draft), and comprehending supply and demand in the country;

(2) On the aspect of proposing viable strategies of reducing industrial emissions, acquiring developing methods of the most viable technologies and performance standard or benchmark of international electricity sectors; In accordance with GHG emission distribution of Taiwan’s industrial sectors, proposing feasible options of concluding performance standard;

(3) On the aspect of assessing economic impact of localizing reduction management strategy, completing the establishment of feasible methods of economic impact assessment, and simulating the assessment in accordance with mandatory reduction managing strategy.