
一、 中文計畫名稱:氣候變遷下臺灣蓄水環境影響與設施除役先期評估專案工作計畫

二、 英文計畫名稱:Preliminary assessment for the environmental impact of dam removal with climate change on Taiwan

三、 計畫編號:EPA-104-FA07-03-D105

四、 執行單位:財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會

五、 計畫主持人(包括共同主持人):游進裕

六、 執行開始時間:104/7/30

七、 執行結束時間:104/12/29

八、 報告完成日期:104/11/27

九、 報告總頁數:共221頁

十、 使用語文:中文,英文

十一、 報告電子檔名稱:EPA-104-FA07-03-D105.pdf

十二、 報告電子檔格式:PDF

十三、 中文摘要關鍵詞:氣候變遷,蓄水設施除役,成效評估

十四、 英文摘要關鍵詞:climate change, dam removal, performance assessment

十五、 中文摘要:


十六、 英文摘要

The purposes of this project are to investigate the conditions of dam in Taiwan, to list the priority of reservoir renewal improvement, and then to propose the guidelines for action. According the case of dam removal in US, the project has found three reasons (the environmental factors, economic factors, and safety factor) to execute the dam removal. Moreover, many studies demonstrate that the ecosystem would have a positive influence from the dam removal. The study classified the decision-making process of dam removal into the four steps, which were followed by defining the goals and objectives, identifying major issues of concern, being the data collection and assessment, and being decision making. The project was investigated the based information on 70 dams in Taiwan, including the dam forms, dam height, the catchment area, the effective capacity, the functional efficiency and the fishway settings. The project was estimated the operational risk of dam by the method of risk matrix, within three parameters (the degree of sediment, influence of water supply system, and water resources utilization). The predict result showed that five dams would be renewal improvement (Paiho-Reservoir, Agongdian Reservoir, Dapu Reservoir, Luliaoci Reservoir, Teyanpi Reservoir). Finally, the guidelines for action and strategies were established to apply the operation of dam removal on the future.