英文計畫名稱:Resource Recycling Policy Planning
執行時間:99年12月29日 ~ 100年6月30日
英文摘要關鍵詞:sustainable material management, sustainable resource management, resource productivity, Economy-wide Material Flow Accounts
For promoting material-cycle and sustainable society, drafting a plan of Resource Recycling Policy for the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) is the main goal of this project. The major tasks carried out included compiling and analyzing policies, regulations and action plans related to sustainable material management and sustainable resources management (SMM/SRM) in developed countries; carried out case studies on relevance information system and assessment tools; and drafted a plan of Resource Recycling Policy for the Taiwan EPA. This project collected and compiled the rationales, goals, frameworks and measures for promotion and implementation of SMM/SRM in OECD, EU, Japan and Holland. We also compared the differences in terms of scopes, goals, strategies and measures of waste management and SMM in the above organizations and countries. For the case study, three case studies were carried out. The first case was the Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounting/Analysis (EW-MFA) indicator system which was found useful in monitoring overall input, output, and balance of material flow associated to the economy. The second case highlighted the environmental impacts of material consumption. The result also unveiled the opportunities in decoupling economic growth and resources depletion. The third case took the work had been done by US EPA which examined the SRM policy relevancies for a wide variety of raw materials, products, and services. The prioritized strategies under “life cycle material management” could refer to the rankings of raw materials, product and services. We further compared and analyzed the domestic and foreign SMM/SRM policies and provided a prospective draft plan of Resource Recycling Policy for the Taiwan EPA, including the scope, goal, strategies and measures:(1)Vision:Resource recycling and nature resources preservation; (2)Goals:Resource efficiency maximization and environmental impacts minimization; (2)Implementation scope:The waste, materials and products with statistics data available should be included in the short term implementation scope, while other natural resources should be included in long term implementation; (3)Strategies for different life cycle phases:(A) For the material obtaining and utilization phase: suggested fully understanding the supply and demands of resources, establishing resource management mechanism, increasing resource availability and resource productivity; (B) For the product designing and manufacturing phase: suggested focusing on reducing the usage of (hazardous) material, promoting environmentally friendly design, and strengthening supply chain management and promoting green factories; (C) For the product consumption and usage phase: suggested strengthening environmental products certification system, encouraging green purchase, developing green product supply channels, and promoting green trade; and (D) For the product/waste recycling and disposal phase: suggested promoting resource reduction and recycling, drafting criterion to identify the end of waste, innovating venous industrial technology and harmonizing different measures to manage various environmental media.