







1.巴塞爾公約專家小組成立與運作:(1)於6月24日完成第一次專家小組會議,出席人數為12人。議題包括:巴塞爾公約第七次開放式工作組會議(OEWG 7)出國報告、第七屆亞洲太平洋島嶼固體廢棄物專家會議(SWAPI)籌備規劃。(2)於12月23日完成第二次專家小組會議,出席人數為9人。議題包括:第五屆固體廢棄物管理與技術國際會議出國報告及第七屆亞洲及太平洋島嶼固體廢棄物專家會議成果報告、100年度永續物質管理國際研討會議規劃及廢棄物輸出入管制清單草案說明。(3)此外針對專家小組成員提供10次資訊散發或意見徵詢,包括:南韓2009年資源循環政策及第七屆亞洲及太平洋島嶼固體廢棄物專家會議籌備進展等。





(1)完成電腦設備夥伴計畫(Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment, PACE)成立背景、大事紀、執行規劃、運作方式、簡介、主要內容(臨時工作組及四個分組,含對我國建議)、參與方式及取得廢棄物相關文件。前述夥伴計畫包括一個臨時工作組「文獻回顧及基本原則確立」及四個工作組-「舊電腦設備修復再使用」、「廢電腦設備再利用」及「體制外廠商回收及管理廢電腦設備」及「意識提升及教育訓練」(包括「宣導資料研擬」及「舊廢電腦設備越境轉移」二個子計畫)。








The four major achievements of this project conclude as follows:

1. Hosting the 7th Expert Conference on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands (SWAPI)

(1)Thirty seven experts from eleven countries, including China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, the Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, the United States, and Vietnam, participated in the 7th SWAPI in Taipei, with nine of the experts fully subsidized.

(2) The 7th SWAPI conference included two expert meetings, one seminar, and four technical tours. The achievements of the 7th SWAPI conference included: (a) the exchange of practical experiences and regulations of recycling incinerator ash, (b) the establishment of the consultation and information exchange channels on the waste management issues in the Asia-Pacific region, and (c) providing valuable lessons for the future international cooperation.

2. Domestic Implementation of Transboundary movement(TBM)of the Waste

(1) The establishment and operation of the Basel Convention Expert Committee in 2010: (a) holding two meetings to discuss issues such as the OEWG7, the E-WASTE 2010, the 5th ICWMT reports, (b) hosting the 7th SWAPI conference in Taipei, and (c) drafting the domestic TBM waste regulations.

(2) Providing legal advises on the regulations regarding the TBM of the waste to the EPA, including: (a) a buffer period for the regulation implementation, and a revised framework for the waste import/export TBM regulations, for the waste TBM list, and for the review process of the waste TBM permit, (b) the review criteria for the banned import/export materials, according to the 38th article of the revised Waste Disposal Act, and (c) a detailed plan for implementing the revised Waste Disposal Act, such as the waste import procedure, the required import documents, the review process by the competent authority, and necessary assistance to the customs.

(3) Assisting the EPA in managing the waste TBM and related issues, including inquiring the Chinese regulatory information, the identification of specific wastes such as the Copper(II) oxide, the Copper Clad Laminate (CCL)、the Electric Arc Furnace Flue Dust and so on.

3. International Participation at the global level

(1)At the global level: (a) a summarization of the background, the milestones, the implementations, the main content, the documents and the participation in the Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment(PACE), (b) the inclusion in the PACE one ad-interim project group on Environmentally Sound Management Criteria, and four project groups on refurbishment, recycling and TBM of used computing equipment, and (c) attending the Seventh session of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention(OEWG7).

(2) At the regional level: participating and completing full reports on two Asia-Pacific waste conferences, the E-waste 2010 – South Pacific Region E-waste workshop in Brisbane, Australia, and the 5th International Conference on Waste Management and Technologies in Beijing, China.

4. The Collection and promotion of the Basel Convention related information

(1)The evaluation of 61 news, articles, reports and papers related to the Basel Convention, the E-waste and the TBM of waste.

(2) The maintenance and updates of the Basel Convention information website, including the Chinese and English versions (http://wm.epa.gov.tw/web/index.htm).